Building a business is hard. Don’t make it any harder than it has to be.
“Man Bites Dog” is an aphorism in journalism that describes how infrequent events are more likely to make the headlines than ordinary, everyday events. The same phenomenon is also described by saying, "You never read about a plane that did not crash.”
Do you know why you never read about the plane that did not crash? Because the plane worked. Getting from point A to point B as expected is boring - it doesn’t make for great news and wouldn’t get many clicks. But if you want to get from point A to point B, you want boring. And the things that are most likely to work are the least likely to be in your newsfeed every day - because they work.
Business owners, entrepreneurs, and blue-collar workers working on a side hustle all want to get from point A to point B and they’re distracted by big promises, shiny objects, and the pursuit of “more”. Most of them are working harder to get further away from what they want.
Using Guardian Academy principles and our decades of real-world experience, we hope to change that. Man Bites Dog is a place for intelligent readers looking to get from point A to point B can find the stuff that works. The stuff that isn’t sexy…until it is.
Man Bites Dog delivers insights, perspectives, and case studies - reminding you to focus on the things that matter - and providing the strategies, tactics, and tools to do it.
What to expect
Every week, you’ll receive the newest piece in your inbox, for free. We specialize in “over the shoulder” case studies that unpack strategies, tactics, and lessons from our businesses. We refer to these pieces as “OTS Sessions”.
It’s a look over the shoulder at what’s going on.
Beyond teaching you how the best businesses operate, our emails help you stay ahead of the curve, and capitalize on change. You’ll understand the most important trends and what they mean for the future.
As a free subscriber, you get access to our full archive covering marketing, advertising, sales, retention, referrals, and more.
You can learn more about Man Bites Dog, and the contributors, and see the FAQ here.
To Unlock Everything Man Bites Dog has to offer, upgrade to paid. For $30 a month, or $129 per year, you’ll get access to:
The Discontinued Letter Archive. The Letter was a $ 97-a-month direct mail newsletter touching on peak performance, marketing, and personal development. It was discontinued when the company was sold in 2021. In late 2023 it was revamped rebranded and relaunched. There are no digital copies of the new Letter. paid subs will get digital copies of 13 of the discounted Letters (every letter sent in 2020).
The Archive of discontinued training, books, and resources. Access our library of unlisted videos, discontinued training(s), and member-only products. Our premium content library is always growing. The premium content archive is valuable in and of itself but it’s amplified by the next unlock.
The Hidden Dialogue. As a paid subscriber you’ll get access to the comments on all of the articles. The comment section is the hidden dialogue - where the entire community goes deep and discusses concepts, principles, and insights. You also get to ask questions which our team always answers. If possible, we will go out and find a mover or a shaker more qualified to answer your question and have them answer it - everyone benefits.
How To Pay For Years Of Man Bites Dog
Here are three easy ways to pay for years of Man Bites Dog (or something else)
1. Expensing the newsletter.
Good news! Man Bites Dog is highly tactical, educational, and as a result, very expensable. Joining MBD can directly help you accelerate your managerial or marketing career.
To make the expensing process as easy as possible, we’ve created a template you can use to send an email to your manager. We’d love to welcome you aboard!
2. Profits In Plain Sight With Recapture and Reallocate.
“Recapture and Reallocate” has typically been a paid program. It’s so simple to implement and only takes about forty minutes. If you do the work, you will probably find “free money”. Far more than the cost of MBD+. The data is so consistent, that we decided to make it free for everyone's benefit. Recapture and Reallocate is free, here.
Recapture the resources (in this case, money) and reallocate it toward whatever you want to reallocate it toward. We’d love to see you in MBD, but if you decide to do something else with your found money… more power to you.
3. Become An Ambassador.
Refer like-minded people you think would jive with us, get TGA+ for free. Just grab your referral link and invite your kinda people to join the journey.
More “Fastest Paths To Cash” Pieces
Basic "Recapture and Reallocate": Money In Plain Sight by the Guardian Academy
Two Fast Paths To Profit & Three Questions with Nic Peterson (Video & Audio)
Best of Man Bites Dog
The Problem With Funnels. Still believe you’re one funnel away? Here’s why that might not be the case.
Profits Hidden In Plain Sight: Easy Email. Convinced email is dead? We’re not so sure. A case study on getting multiplicative returns via email.
When Trying To Scale Hurts You. This also touches on the dangers of hiring coaches and consultants focused on scale.
How Jeff Transitions From Healthcare Provider To Entrepreneur [Capstone Case Study]
Try This Productivity Trick Now. This is one of the models we use to keep our clients and ourselves on track
The Laurel Corner: Learn The Ultimate Ad Strategy
Retention, Referrals, and Product
Retention, Referrals, and Raving Fans Part 1: Foundational Rules
Retention, Referrals, and Raving Fans Part 2: The Black Holes
Retention, Referrals, and Raving Fans Part 3: Innovation Doesn’t Sell
Retention, Referrals, and Raving Fans Part 4: Inverting and Cash Now Campaigns
Video and Audio:
The Man Bites Dog Podcast. Includes:
Two Fast Paths to Profit & Three Questions
Scaling Might Hurt You
Laurel Portie Spotlight - Content That Works
Building Trust Quickly
The Most Obvious Path to Cash
…and more
Paid Resources:
The Success Circle [high-end group to learn from and collaborate with Nic and Laurel]
Other Publications We Like Reading
The Guardian Academy is where most of our principles come from
Commandment One is a sobering take on health, fitness and looking good naked
The Gray Wolf is Zen AF
Subscribe To Success is glorious, but we’re obvious biased.
Join us to get the next deep dive delivered to your inbox!
Hope to see you on the other side.
Live to learn. Give to Earn.
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