My most immediate constraint is a lack of appointments.
Resource: The ecosystem/ROAS handbook.
Action: I implemented my Hot 7 about 3 weeks ago. I also spent time doing the content bible exercise and thinking more about my ideal client. I realized that much of the content I was creating was attracting people who aren't sure they want to move to Lake Norman. I shifted my focus and wrote and recorded 2 new conversion multipliers and 3 new power content videos, plus a power pitch that is targeted at my ideal luxury client and I believe follows R3.
Data: While implementing the ecosystem, I am focused on lead follow up daily to set 2 appointments Monday - Friday. So far this week it has been 2/2/1/0.
Ask: I have not had anyone book a call from my retargeting ads so far. I also noticed that FB isn't using my full $2 budget per ad each day. I am thinking my adding in fresh power content that might help? I know we don't look at KPI's, on Hot 7 per se, but at what point does it make sense to reevaluate the number of bookings? Is it too early and I should be patient and give it more time?
Expand your thinking for a minute - just an exercise.
1k a month is 12k a year.
So think about how to make an extra...
- 12k a year
- 6k every 6 months
- 3k per quarter
etc, etc, etc
It can help expand your perspective and see more options.
1k a month can also be added through referrals in the short term to bridge the gap. ie. sending people things like the Arena or other higher ticket programs you think are useful for others.
This is great advice. The truth is, you shared this solution with me before. I'm not sure why I didn't catch myself! I appreciate the reminder, and I am leaning in right now into options to help close this gap. Thank you!
1. My most immediate constraint is not enough data to decide if I want to continue pursuing a new-ish offer as unqualified people have joined
2. R: engaging the field
A: conversations with people that are a good fit for my offer
D: I found that people get into action slower than I thought or need more handholding than expected so I need to change/update the format of my offer and make sure my messaging is clear on who my floor/ceiling clients are.
A: What would be the most efficient way for me to gather the data needed to decide whether or not to continue pursuing this offer or change it to be a better fit?
3. Updated the landing page to include the four questions to make it clear who it’s for, that they’re in the right place, what to do next and what will happen once they do click through to the next step.
Ask: What would be the most efficient way for me to gather the data needed to decide whether or not to continue pursuing this offer or change it to be a better fit?
Have to discern if the offer is the problem or the audience is the problem. They are very different things and if you change both variables at the same time, it doesn't tell us anything useful.
Changing the audience is generally easier than changing the offer/deliverables. So I would recommend making tweaks to the messaging and continue to find ways to increase/improve allegiance captial
1. My biggest constraint has been a lack of clarity around my framework that I teach which has impacted the clarity of my marketing and messaging, my calls to action, content, and also what I'm delivering to my people.
2. Resource: I've been using the Content Bible (Goals/Milestones/mechanism used/big problem this solves/client knows when they've hit the goal when this happens) table to try and create a bit more structure to my framework and a clear path for people.
Action: This week I created a video that goes through the principles of my framework and helps people to identify if this is for them in comparison to what they have ben doing or tried before, I am continuing to revisit and refine the "outcomes" of my offer/s to make them more clear.
Data: People have really responded positively to the video and told me that they understand much better what my work relates to, but also I received feedback that my framework is clearer than I thought and now I just need to get the information out more.
Ask: My question is when using the Content Bible Framework, what is the best way to set up milestones or how people know when they are on track before you have that data available or the targets/KPIs? Or is that the next solvable problem, to run a bunch of people through it to get those KPIs?
3. I have reworked my email and offer welcome sequences to answer the questions:
>> Why am I here? Answer
>> Am I in the right place?
>> What should I do next?
I was pretty close but I think this will make it more clear for people. The next step is to update my videos and sales pages to incorporate these into it.
My most immediate constraint is the lack of conversations.
Resource: Know who my 10 warmest and 10 hottest leads are at all times.
Action: I started interacting with my warmest and hottest leads again via social platforms. I'm also running Power Content and Conversion Multiplier ads, and have finally reached the 1000 people mark on my invisible list.
Data: I'm growing invisible leads from FB ads. I had a couple of aks for my value bomb, but none of them qualified as a potential client. I'm guessing Laurel would say: "You haven't built the trust yet, just keep doing the ads. It's 90 days to data." So I'll keep up with the ads.
Ask: I'm doing Phase 1 of the $7 Ads program. My offer is email marketing coaching and consulting for health & fitness coaches and eCommerce founders. I have no real audience yet, and my targeting on ads is "Gary V or Amy Porterhouse". How can I know when to my target tighter and what the targeting should be?
Demonstrate R3: I created the Optin Page, Confirmation Page, and the first email for my email list, based on the R3.
1. I believe the most immediate constraint is right now is to consistently make $17k/mo in revenue. This can happen through getting new members, improving retention of current members, and/or through other offers.
2. Resource: Know who your 10 warmest and 10 hottest leads are at all times to have conversations that lead to conversions.
Action: I started an ad that is a reel with a value bomb that is a quiz. I've been running my membership for 10 years and have many warm leads. I have identified several places I can find my warm and hot leads. I ordered a small whiteboard from Amazon that's now sitting on my desk and have 5 people on my warm leads list and 1 person on my hot leads list that I'm in conversations with now.
Data: I'm starting to get warm leads from FB ads. I have had one conversation from the reel so far. Through diagnostic questions, she didn't need the quiz but something else so I sent that to her.
People are also visiting my sales page from FB and clicking the chat bubble to start conversations. I know they are coming from FB because in HelpScout I can see the URL and it usually has added the long tracking info from FB.
I also have a free group and updated my questions to include this: How committed are you to finishing your book and getting it self-published? Depending on how they answer will put them in my warm or hot leads category.
I run a free challenge. The software I use, Xperiencify, allows me to filter out who actually finished the challenge and saw the offer for the yearly membership. I can follow up with them as warm leads.
I can also add points to people in ActiveCampaign who have visited my sales page, purchased a one-time product for me, clicked links in emails, etc. I can then follow-up with those with the highest scores in AC.
Ask: Because I have so many places to get warm/hot leads, how do you recommend I prioritize conversations? Who should I reach out to first? Who should I put on my warm list vs. hot list?
3. I updated my quiz landing page to include answers to the 4 questions.
I know that I need to get better at the diagnostic part in messenger but my first constraint is identifying my leads so I can even start the conversations in the first place.
Because I have so many places to get warm/hot leads, how do you recommend I prioritize conversations? Who should I reach out to first? Who should I put on my warm list vs. hot list?
It depends. You likely have an idea of which platform you have the best relationship with people on - start there. If not, start where you show up best. I'll take some time to teach what I call the "spiderweb", which will make this easier in the future.
Ok, this might not be what you are looking for. I feel my most immediate constraint is me. I fix this, everything will improve.
For the most part, I know what to do, I have resources to get information that I don’t know, I can do it, and I come up with ways to get in my way. I make it complicated, I get bored, I do other things that seem more important, and I fall behind and get frustrated and quit feeling overworked. I’m so sick of this shit.
I love to learn, it stimulates me, and I get excited about the possibilities. The passage in your book, Bumpers, hit me so hard. “The narrower the gap, the less anxiety we have about closing it. The closer the behavior matches the plan, the more reality meets our expectations. The more often reality meets expectations, the tighter the feedback loop. The tighter the feedback loop, the more power we have over the outcome.” I feel that my gap has been getting bigger and bigger. I know I can do it…
I just started learning every in the past couple of days, so I haven’t had a chance to implement the RADA. I am on it, though I will have something together by Friday, if not sooner. I just read Bumpers last night, love it and I am reading it again.
With a lot of back and forth with ChatGPT, here is what I can come up with.
• You haven’t worked on this yet, but this is the missing key for keeping yourself engaged.
• Why? Your brain is wired to seek immediate rewards, which is why complex tasks feel boring over time and why you shift to “more important” (i.e., more rewarding) things.
• Fix:
1. Gamify Tasks – Make boring tasks visibly rewarding (checklists, progress tracking, streaks). Example: A daily scorecard where you get points for small completions.
2. Instant Gratification Rewards – Pair hard tasks with something you enjoy (e.g., only listen to your favorite podcast while doing lead follow-ups).
3. Mini Dopamine Resets – If you feel resistance, step away and reset. A 2-minute stretch, deep breath, or change of scenery can reset your brain’s engagement.
2. Mindset Work (So You Don’t Get Discouraged)
• You’re losing motivation when you don’t hit goals. This makes sense because your brain is associating effort with failure.
• Fix:
1. Shift Focus to Inputs, Not Outcomes
Instead of saying, “I’ll close 5 deals this month,” switch to controllable actions:
“I will make 30 calls per day.”
“I will send 10 follow-ups daily.”
Winning becomes about doing the right things, not just results.
2. Shrink the Commitment Timeframe
Instead of long-term “big” goals, set shorter, winnable goals (e.g., 7-day sprints).
3. Visual Wins
You need proof of progress (whiteboard tracking, app, or notebook). Seeing wins builds momentum.
3. Identifying Your Triggers (Why You Shift from Excitement to Avoidance)
• Right now, you don’t notice what triggers your shift, but this is the key to breaking the cycle.
• Fix:
1. Start a "Why Did I Stop?" Journal
Anytime you feel yourself avoiding a task or shifting gears, pause and write:
What was I thinking when I stopped?
How did I feel at that moment?
In 2 weeks, patterns will emerge (e.g., "I stop when I don’t see quick results").
2. Use an "If-Then" System to Override the Shift
If I feel bored mid-task, then I will set a 10-minute timer and finish at least one small piece.
If I feel overwhelmed, then I will take a 3-minute break and set a 3-item priority list.
4. Work Cycle Strategy (Avoid Burnout)
• Right now, you’re running hard, getting frustrated, and burning out.
• Fix:
1. Work in Cycles (80/20 Energy Management)
You need intense focus periods followed by deliberate breaks.
Try 90-minute work sprints followed by 15-30 minutes of recovery (walk, music, food, etc.).
2. Pre-Plan the Next Day (Night Before)
Before bed, list only 3 critical tasks for tomorrow.
Keeps you focused instead of feeling scattered.
- Sean Herndon
Resource: FocusPomo- a timer that has visual and gamifies
Action: I set the timer for every task throughout the day and try to gather as many tomatoes (tasks) that meet my daily goal. (My 20-mile march) I also have set my bumpers to keep my standard of beliefs of myself.
Data: I have not been this focused and productive in a long time. I noticed I had higher stress and anxiety which I took that on my business partner (wife) pushing to meet my actions above. At the end of the day, I felt accomplished and ready for the next day and at the same time bad on the way I was with my business partner.
Ask: How to keep my bumpers and feeling accomplished and not be a dick. :)
If you focus on the becoming great at the process, you can win every day. And it;s interesting and entertaining, no matter what happens.
If you focus on the final outcome, you will be upset and discouraged most of the time - which leads to a much higher probability of quitting and taking breaks.
Said another way... if you want to hit a game winning grand slam, your entire career is out of your control - you don't get to choose if the bases are loaded when you come up to bat.
If you can shift your frame to becoming a great hitter, you have something interesting to improve each and every day - and doing the work IS winning.
Plus, the probability that you hit a game winning home run is much higher.
My most immediate challenge is creating conversion multipliers and power posts while actively engaging in conversations to start meaningful interactions. My goal is to help people solve micro-problems, allowing me to naturally demonstrate how I can help them overcome their weight loss struggles, so I can increase my cash flow.
The Problem
I currently have a "How It Works" offer running to a cold audience, but I'm not generating enough conversations with my warm audience.
Action Plan
Create three conversion multipliers and power posts daily to spark conversations and drive engagement. Engage with my warm audience by addressing micro-problems and delivering value-based content that leads to meaningful discussions to reveal their bigger problem, and
refine my approach as I discover how effective it is to generate value-driven content from micro-problems.
My Ask
If I’m still struggling to start conversations, what should I do?
Should I keep creating content and testing different approaches?
Right now, I’ve had enough conversations to write an offer ad, which is bringing in 1 qualified but no sales and the others are no shows at $32 per call.
My most immediate challenge is creating conversion multipliers and power posts while actively engaging in conversations to start meaningful interactions. My goal is to help people solve micro-problems, allowing me to demonstrate how I can help them overcome their weight loss struggles as in increase my cash flow
I have a "How It Works" offer running to a cold audience, but I'm not having enough conversations with my warm audience.
My action is to create conversion multipliers and power posts to spark conversations.
Engage with my warm audience by addressing micro-problems and offering value-based content that naturally leads to discussions. Continue refining my approach as I discover how easy it is to create value-driven content from micro-problems.
If I’m not getting conversations, what should i do next?
My most immediate constraint right now is to to get people to join my $7 a month memebership.
Resource: Fast Funnel From Cold To Sold To Sold Clients In 24 Hours
Action: I updated my sales page with Clarity at the top of the page, Certainty in the middle and trust at the bottom of my page.
Data: I'm running YouTube ads and retargeting them with my $7 offer. I;m getting page views but nobody has purchased. I've had 200 people review the page since the changes. It could be that I just need more views or I need to use the conversion multiplier because nobody is asking for my value bomb. So, I've had no conversations. I''m running ads to grow my YouTube channel and retargeting them with my Power Content. I had to enter a link in the ad. So, I put my $7 offer thinking after watching my videos they would purchase a $7 a month membership from me. my page is
Ask: Could you review my page and tell me if I used Clarity, Certainty and Trust correctly? If not, what changes do you recommend or what other resource could I review.
1. My most immediate constraint is getting enough data from parents about their child to be able to solve their problem and transition to a phone call
Resource: Laurels Cold to sold training
Action: I’m giving parents 8 min recall activities based on the area their child struggles with the most e.g. Spanish grammar…and by their child filling it out I can then look at what they’ve done and do a loom video walking them through how to improve their grammar for example
Data: After having my allocated 2 conversations a day, I’ve managed to get to the point of sending 12, where only 1 has been completed and that didn’t lead to a call despite the fact it revealed a bigger problem.
Ask: What do I do next?
A. Keep having conversations as 12 isn’t enough data
B. Diagnose differently?
3. I implement R3 when I’m speaking to current students by telling them how they’re going to feeling during their first speaking mock with me so when they do inevitably cry or feel like they can’t they trust me. This has massively transformed the trust I build with my students within a 30 min initial session
I am tracking the results of the hypothesis in the Bumpers Tracker.
Example of a hypothesis: The Technical Value Scorecard hypothesis
If I create a scorecard that helps founders articulate and measure customer value metrics, at least five will want to discuss their results and want deeper engagement.
• Not enough yet, but proof of approach is moving after some conversations.
Ask: Am I using a narrow view by focusing only on SaaS, $3-$5M, hitting a revenue or growth ceiling?
• I don't know -yet- who I can serve best. (Can this be considered a constraint?)
• I hypothesize that Founders/Biz Owners/C-level Executives who are hitting a revenue plateau >$5M ARR, have a product, have the means, and are not a big corp or enterprise would be the best people I can serve. Not necessarily SaaS.
Thank you, Nic and Laurel! You are too good to be true :D
Ask: Am I using a narrow view by focusing only on SaaS, $3-$5M, hitting a revenue or growth ceiling?
It narrow, but it might work just fine.
I generally don't go super narrow, but I do have a floor. ie. instead of 3-5 million i might target business owners over 3 million.
Remember, small business that does over 3 million a year is generating about 250k a month or more. Generally speaking, a business doing over 600k a year or so.... money is not a real objection.
So if you're trying to go up market because of money objections, it likely will not help since thats not the real objection.
1. My most immediate constraint is time to sit down and finish my Client Journey. Thinking through how all this would work and how to also not cut off my money flow from the agency, AND have time to breathe has also beed a constraint.
2. Resource: The Content Bible Exercise. Laurel helped me clear my head and really think through one of the biggest client WINS that I can start with, which was super helpful! Now to map all of it out and not overthink it so I can just FLASH ROLL...jk. No, so I can create a content flow. I feel like ALL the content I make is sub-par as I have been trying to start with my STEP 1…cause it’s really the problem, and not the STEP that clients think they need first. Hope this makes sense.
3. ACTION: I have filled up my content bible Google Doc and started making content. However, it still feels so disconnected to the overall goal. I find myself in loops of thought but I AM MAKING Loom videos based on the Content Bible exercise that I have partially filled out.
My plan of action and way that I want to market to get out of 1:1 agency clients is to open a Skool community and have the first product be hosted there and build a client base on that platform. I do finally feel like all of this is clicking, if I do not overthink.
1. My most limiting constraint is/(hopefully was) that I had not done all of the work I needed to do in order to get through the pain and hurt from a health scare and its assorted complications from a couple of years ago. While I’ve reviewed a lot of material, I couldn’t really let myself engage in a meaningful way because I was still feeling so much of the fear and pain and guilt.
While I recognize that this is not my therapist’s couch or zoom link, for purposes of illustrating the second part of the homework I will share these action steps. Starting on Tuesday, I decided to start from the very beginning of the $7 program as if I had never looked at it or read it before. As before, when I got started I felt some hesitancy in my brain to commit to doing it. So I asked myself what would be the most meaningful thing to have out of my way so that I could commit to actually doing this. And then I did the work to get rid of the first roadblock. For the rest of that day and through to today, I would assess if I was ready to work on the program and, if not, I worked on whatever it was that was stopping me from committing. While there is not necessarily a lot of data on how my implementation of the program is going, getting over some of these hurdles was incredibly helpful for me and I feel like these will no longer subtly impede my progress.
2. My question comes from my effort to start at the beginning again. I went back to the very beginning and was rewatching all of the videos in Get Ready Protocol. At the end of the “For an Indirect Offer” video in the Choosing your sales mechanism section it suggests that if you want to jump right in that you should get going on Phase 1. But at the beginning of Phase 1 it reminds you to make sure you finish all of the Get Ready Protocol, which I am assuming includes the Organic Foundations videos.
So I started doing the Organic Foundations videos and have been doing one of them a day, but I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to go to Phase 1 instead. I wasn’t sure if there is a huge difference in going with the Organic Foundations videos versus the Phase 1, so my question is a confirmation question. Do I need to complete the Organic Foundations videos first?
3. I had a call with a friend of mine who is trying to build up his coaching practice again but is struggling to get his message out on video. We had a chance to talk about making sure that his videos are speaking to their desired targeted audience. As part of that we talked about framing up his video with the answers to the questions, “Why am I here?”, “Am I in the right place?” and “What exactly should I do next?” We did a few role play examples to make sure he understood the idea. Then we scripted out a few video ideas so that he can talk to his ideal client and make a deeper connection with them than he has been doing.
then I make decisions based on why I “think” the result I have is happening and how I feel, instead of from data.
Example Practice Question:
Resource: planner
Action you’ve already taken: Make weekly plan of do goals and daily tasks, based on annual/quarterly/monthly goals
Data or discovery: There is improvement from 25% creating weekly plan, to 80% but I’m only making 50% progress on weekly do goals.
Ask: what will move the needle more, getting more detailed i.e. instead of time block saying ‘webinar’ time block says ‘webinar-invitation emails written and scheduled’ or learning dr jeff’s champion day?
I wouldn’t ask this after all, because I know the answer.
One way I incorporate R3 into my business is by using stealth influence to change my people’s beliefs:
They believe they can’t get paid to cook without going to culinary school to be a chef.
They believe this because culinary schools spend a lot of money to get students who then become restaurant chefs so of course we think it’s right and the only way.
I put a crack in this by telling black swan stories: I wanted to go to culinary school but couldn’t and eventually started my own personal chef business and now I have clients call me chef and pay me to cook. Gordon Ramsay didn’t go to culinary school. Students of mine who have successful personal chef business and get paid to cook without culinary school or restaurant experience.
Analytical: Show income/wages and work schedules of restaurant chefs compared to personal chefs so they can see the disparity.
Actionable: show them how to do a personal chef services and keep track of people raving about their food to build their confidence.
Anthropological: teach how procrastination is really a cover for fear and of course we’re afraid to do something new and uncomfortable.
Ask: what will move the needle more, getting more detailed i.e. instead of time block saying ‘webinar’ time block says ‘webinar-invitation emails written and scheduled’ or learning dr jeff’s champion day?
Answer: Even though you said you wouldn't ask =)
More detailed = higher probability of accurately estimating the time and effort it will take AND high probability of not doing it.
Most people have too many arbitrary daily and weekly goals.
The most effective people Ive ever met have 1 or 2 things that need to go right at any given time. And thats it.
Looking forward to seeing your homework and meeting you at the next event!
My most immediate constraint is a lack of appointments.
Resource: The ecosystem/ROAS handbook.
Action: I implemented my Hot 7 about 3 weeks ago. I also spent time doing the content bible exercise and thinking more about my ideal client. I realized that much of the content I was creating was attracting people who aren't sure they want to move to Lake Norman. I shifted my focus and wrote and recorded 2 new conversion multipliers and 3 new power content videos, plus a power pitch that is targeted at my ideal luxury client and I believe follows R3.
Data: While implementing the ecosystem, I am focused on lead follow up daily to set 2 appointments Monday - Friday. So far this week it has been 2/2/1/0.
Ask: I have not had anyone book a call from my retargeting ads so far. I also noticed that FB isn't using my full $2 budget per ad each day. I am thinking my adding in fresh power content that might help? I know we don't look at KPI's, on Hot 7 per se, but at what point does it make sense to reevaluate the number of bookings? Is it too early and I should be patient and give it more time?
1. Biggest Constraint: $1K monthly shortfall in recurring monthly income.
2. Effective Question:
a. Resource: Recapture Reallocate Audit
b. Action: Current recurring income = $3K/month. Current minimum monthly expenses = $4K
c. Discovery: Current recurring income sources are fixed or difficult to scale
d. Ask: What are your suggestions for new, scalable, and higher revenue potential recurring monthly income sources?
R3 Example: I have implemented multiple Silver Bullet Campaigns to increase paid Substack subscribers and enroll clients.
Expand your thinking for a minute - just an exercise.
1k a month is 12k a year.
So think about how to make an extra...
- 12k a year
- 6k every 6 months
- 3k per quarter
etc, etc, etc
It can help expand your perspective and see more options.
1k a month can also be added through referrals in the short term to bridge the gap. ie. sending people things like the Arena or other higher ticket programs you think are useful for others.
This is great advice. The truth is, you shared this solution with me before. I'm not sure why I didn't catch myself! I appreciate the reminder, and I am leaning in right now into options to help close this gap. Thank you!
1. My most immediate constraint is not enough data to decide if I want to continue pursuing a new-ish offer as unqualified people have joined
2. R: engaging the field
A: conversations with people that are a good fit for my offer
D: I found that people get into action slower than I thought or need more handholding than expected so I need to change/update the format of my offer and make sure my messaging is clear on who my floor/ceiling clients are.
A: What would be the most efficient way for me to gather the data needed to decide whether or not to continue pursuing this offer or change it to be a better fit?
3. Updated the landing page to include the four questions to make it clear who it’s for, that they’re in the right place, what to do next and what will happen once they do click through to the next step.
Ask: What would be the most efficient way for me to gather the data needed to decide whether or not to continue pursuing this offer or change it to be a better fit?
Have to discern if the offer is the problem or the audience is the problem. They are very different things and if you change both variables at the same time, it doesn't tell us anything useful.
Changing the audience is generally easier than changing the offer/deliverables. So I would recommend making tweaks to the messaging and continue to find ways to increase/improve allegiance captial
1. My biggest constraint has been a lack of clarity around my framework that I teach which has impacted the clarity of my marketing and messaging, my calls to action, content, and also what I'm delivering to my people.
2. Resource: I've been using the Content Bible (Goals/Milestones/mechanism used/big problem this solves/client knows when they've hit the goal when this happens) table to try and create a bit more structure to my framework and a clear path for people.
Action: This week I created a video that goes through the principles of my framework and helps people to identify if this is for them in comparison to what they have ben doing or tried before, I am continuing to revisit and refine the "outcomes" of my offer/s to make them more clear.
Data: People have really responded positively to the video and told me that they understand much better what my work relates to, but also I received feedback that my framework is clearer than I thought and now I just need to get the information out more.
Ask: My question is when using the Content Bible Framework, what is the best way to set up milestones or how people know when they are on track before you have that data available or the targets/KPIs? Or is that the next solvable problem, to run a bunch of people through it to get those KPIs?
3. I have reworked my email and offer welcome sequences to answer the questions:
>> Why am I here? Answer
>> Am I in the right place?
>> What should I do next?
I was pretty close but I think this will make it more clear for people. The next step is to update my videos and sales pages to incorporate these into it.
My most immediate constraint is the lack of conversations.
Resource: Know who my 10 warmest and 10 hottest leads are at all times.
Action: I started interacting with my warmest and hottest leads again via social platforms. I'm also running Power Content and Conversion Multiplier ads, and have finally reached the 1000 people mark on my invisible list.
Data: I'm growing invisible leads from FB ads. I had a couple of aks for my value bomb, but none of them qualified as a potential client. I'm guessing Laurel would say: "You haven't built the trust yet, just keep doing the ads. It's 90 days to data." So I'll keep up with the ads.
Ask: I'm doing Phase 1 of the $7 Ads program. My offer is email marketing coaching and consulting for health & fitness coaches and eCommerce founders. I have no real audience yet, and my targeting on ads is "Gary V or Amy Porterhouse". How can I know when to my target tighter and what the targeting should be?
Demonstrate R3: I created the Optin Page, Confirmation Page, and the first email for my email list, based on the R3.
1. I believe the most immediate constraint is right now is to consistently make $17k/mo in revenue. This can happen through getting new members, improving retention of current members, and/or through other offers.
2. Resource: Know who your 10 warmest and 10 hottest leads are at all times to have conversations that lead to conversions.
Action: I started an ad that is a reel with a value bomb that is a quiz. I've been running my membership for 10 years and have many warm leads. I have identified several places I can find my warm and hot leads. I ordered a small whiteboard from Amazon that's now sitting on my desk and have 5 people on my warm leads list and 1 person on my hot leads list that I'm in conversations with now.
Data: I'm starting to get warm leads from FB ads. I have had one conversation from the reel so far. Through diagnostic questions, she didn't need the quiz but something else so I sent that to her.
People are also visiting my sales page from FB and clicking the chat bubble to start conversations. I know they are coming from FB because in HelpScout I can see the URL and it usually has added the long tracking info from FB.
I also have a free group and updated my questions to include this: How committed are you to finishing your book and getting it self-published? Depending on how they answer will put them in my warm or hot leads category.
I run a free challenge. The software I use, Xperiencify, allows me to filter out who actually finished the challenge and saw the offer for the yearly membership. I can follow up with them as warm leads.
I can also add points to people in ActiveCampaign who have visited my sales page, purchased a one-time product for me, clicked links in emails, etc. I can then follow-up with those with the highest scores in AC.
Ask: Because I have so many places to get warm/hot leads, how do you recommend I prioritize conversations? Who should I reach out to first? Who should I put on my warm list vs. hot list?
3. I updated my quiz landing page to include answers to the 4 questions.
I know that I need to get better at the diagnostic part in messenger but my first constraint is identifying my leads so I can even start the conversations in the first place.
Because I have so many places to get warm/hot leads, how do you recommend I prioritize conversations? Who should I reach out to first? Who should I put on my warm list vs. hot list?
It depends. You likely have an idea of which platform you have the best relationship with people on - start there. If not, start where you show up best. I'll take some time to teach what I call the "spiderweb", which will make this easier in the future.
Thanks! I have started reaching out to people on all the platforms.
Ok, this might not be what you are looking for. I feel my most immediate constraint is me. I fix this, everything will improve.
For the most part, I know what to do, I have resources to get information that I don’t know, I can do it, and I come up with ways to get in my way. I make it complicated, I get bored, I do other things that seem more important, and I fall behind and get frustrated and quit feeling overworked. I’m so sick of this shit.
I love to learn, it stimulates me, and I get excited about the possibilities. The passage in your book, Bumpers, hit me so hard. “The narrower the gap, the less anxiety we have about closing it. The closer the behavior matches the plan, the more reality meets our expectations. The more often reality meets expectations, the tighter the feedback loop. The tighter the feedback loop, the more power we have over the outcome.” I feel that my gap has been getting bigger and bigger. I know I can do it…
I just started learning every in the past couple of days, so I haven’t had a chance to implement the RADA. I am on it, though I will have something together by Friday, if not sooner. I just read Bumpers last night, love it and I am reading it again.
With a lot of back and forth with ChatGPT, here is what I can come up with.
1. Dopamine Management (Your Brain’s Reward System)
• You haven’t worked on this yet, but this is the missing key for keeping yourself engaged.
• Why? Your brain is wired to seek immediate rewards, which is why complex tasks feel boring over time and why you shift to “more important” (i.e., more rewarding) things.
• Fix:
1. Gamify Tasks – Make boring tasks visibly rewarding (checklists, progress tracking, streaks). Example: A daily scorecard where you get points for small completions.
2. Instant Gratification Rewards – Pair hard tasks with something you enjoy (e.g., only listen to your favorite podcast while doing lead follow-ups).
3. Mini Dopamine Resets – If you feel resistance, step away and reset. A 2-minute stretch, deep breath, or change of scenery can reset your brain’s engagement.
2. Mindset Work (So You Don’t Get Discouraged)
• You’re losing motivation when you don’t hit goals. This makes sense because your brain is associating effort with failure.
• Fix:
1. Shift Focus to Inputs, Not Outcomes
Instead of saying, “I’ll close 5 deals this month,” switch to controllable actions:
“I will make 30 calls per day.”
“I will send 10 follow-ups daily.”
Winning becomes about doing the right things, not just results.
2. Shrink the Commitment Timeframe
Instead of long-term “big” goals, set shorter, winnable goals (e.g., 7-day sprints).
3. Visual Wins
You need proof of progress (whiteboard tracking, app, or notebook). Seeing wins builds momentum.
3. Identifying Your Triggers (Why You Shift from Excitement to Avoidance)
• Right now, you don’t notice what triggers your shift, but this is the key to breaking the cycle.
• Fix:
1. Start a "Why Did I Stop?" Journal
Anytime you feel yourself avoiding a task or shifting gears, pause and write:
What was I thinking when I stopped?
How did I feel at that moment?
In 2 weeks, patterns will emerge (e.g., "I stop when I don’t see quick results").
2. Use an "If-Then" System to Override the Shift
If I feel bored mid-task, then I will set a 10-minute timer and finish at least one small piece.
If I feel overwhelmed, then I will take a 3-minute break and set a 3-item priority list.
4. Work Cycle Strategy (Avoid Burnout)
• Right now, you’re running hard, getting frustrated, and burning out.
• Fix:
1. Work in Cycles (80/20 Energy Management)
You need intense focus periods followed by deliberate breaks.
Try 90-minute work sprints followed by 15-30 minutes of recovery (walk, music, food, etc.).
2. Pre-Plan the Next Day (Night Before)
Before bed, list only 3 critical tasks for tomorrow.
Keeps you focused instead of feeling scattered.
- Sean Herndon
Resource: FocusPomo- a timer that has visual and gamifies
Action: I set the timer for every task throughout the day and try to gather as many tomatoes (tasks) that meet my daily goal. (My 20-mile march) I also have set my bumpers to keep my standard of beliefs of myself.
Data: I have not been this focused and productive in a long time. I noticed I had higher stress and anxiety which I took that on my business partner (wife) pushing to meet my actions above. At the end of the day, I felt accomplished and ready for the next day and at the same time bad on the way I was with my business partner.
Ask: How to keep my bumpers and feeling accomplished and not be a dick. :)
If you focus on the becoming great at the process, you can win every day. And it;s interesting and entertaining, no matter what happens.
If you focus on the final outcome, you will be upset and discouraged most of the time - which leads to a much higher probability of quitting and taking breaks.
Said another way... if you want to hit a game winning grand slam, your entire career is out of your control - you don't get to choose if the bases are loaded when you come up to bat.
If you can shift your frame to becoming a great hitter, you have something interesting to improve each and every day - and doing the work IS winning.
Plus, the probability that you hit a game winning home run is much higher.
My most immediate challenge is creating conversion multipliers and power posts while actively engaging in conversations to start meaningful interactions. My goal is to help people solve micro-problems, allowing me to naturally demonstrate how I can help them overcome their weight loss struggles, so I can increase my cash flow.
The Problem
I currently have a "How It Works" offer running to a cold audience, but I'm not generating enough conversations with my warm audience.
Action Plan
Create three conversion multipliers and power posts daily to spark conversations and drive engagement. Engage with my warm audience by addressing micro-problems and delivering value-based content that leads to meaningful discussions to reveal their bigger problem, and
refine my approach as I discover how effective it is to generate value-driven content from micro-problems.
My Ask
If I’m still struggling to start conversations, what should I do?
Should I keep creating content and testing different approaches?
Right now, I’ve had enough conversations to write an offer ad, which is bringing in 1 qualified but no sales and the others are no shows at $32 per call.
My most immediate challenge is creating conversion multipliers and power posts while actively engaging in conversations to start meaningful interactions. My goal is to help people solve micro-problems, allowing me to demonstrate how I can help them overcome their weight loss struggles as in increase my cash flow
I have a "How It Works" offer running to a cold audience, but I'm not having enough conversations with my warm audience.
My action is to create conversion multipliers and power posts to spark conversations.
Engage with my warm audience by addressing micro-problems and offering value-based content that naturally leads to discussions. Continue refining my approach as I discover how easy it is to create value-driven content from micro-problems.
If I’m not getting conversations, what should i do next?
My most immediate constraint right now is to to get people to join my $7 a month memebership.
Resource: Fast Funnel From Cold To Sold To Sold Clients In 24 Hours
Action: I updated my sales page with Clarity at the top of the page, Certainty in the middle and trust at the bottom of my page.
Data: I'm running YouTube ads and retargeting them with my $7 offer. I;m getting page views but nobody has purchased. I've had 200 people review the page since the changes. It could be that I just need more views or I need to use the conversion multiplier because nobody is asking for my value bomb. So, I've had no conversations. I''m running ads to grow my YouTube channel and retargeting them with my Power Content. I had to enter a link in the ad. So, I put my $7 offer thinking after watching my videos they would purchase a $7 a month membership from me. my page is
Ask: Could you review my page and tell me if I used Clarity, Certainty and Trust correctly? If not, what changes do you recommend or what other resource could I review.
1. My most immediate constraint is getting enough data from parents about their child to be able to solve their problem and transition to a phone call
Resource: Laurels Cold to sold training
Action: I’m giving parents 8 min recall activities based on the area their child struggles with the most e.g. Spanish grammar…and by their child filling it out I can then look at what they’ve done and do a loom video walking them through how to improve their grammar for example
Data: After having my allocated 2 conversations a day, I’ve managed to get to the point of sending 12, where only 1 has been completed and that didn’t lead to a call despite the fact it revealed a bigger problem.
Ask: What do I do next?
A. Keep having conversations as 12 isn’t enough data
B. Diagnose differently?
3. I implement R3 when I’m speaking to current students by telling them how they’re going to feeling during their first speaking mock with me so when they do inevitably cry or feel like they can’t they trust me. This has massively transformed the trust I build with my students within a 30 min initial session
Biggest constraint:
-Building proof of my approach through documented discussions and creating a feedback loop to refine my approach
Daily Success Metric: Did I move my proof-of-expertise forward today?
Resource: The adaptive dilemma. Scientific vs. Dogmatic approach
Action: I created 7 different hypotheses that I am tracking to work on my biggest constraint. I will have more data after 14-21 days when the hypothesis testing period ends. Here's the document.
I am tracking the results of the hypothesis in the Bumpers Tracker.
Example of a hypothesis: The Technical Value Scorecard hypothesis
If I create a scorecard that helps founders articulate and measure customer value metrics, at least five will want to discuss their results and want deeper engagement.
• Not enough yet, but proof of approach is moving after some conversations.
• I also created the Value Intelligence Scorecard (it took me two days, but I did it!) Here it is:
Ask: Am I using a narrow view by focusing only on SaaS, $3-$5M, hitting a revenue or growth ceiling?
• I don't know -yet- who I can serve best. (Can this be considered a constraint?)
• I hypothesize that Founders/Biz Owners/C-level Executives who are hitting a revenue plateau >$5M ARR, have a product, have the means, and are not a big corp or enterprise would be the best people I can serve. Not necessarily SaaS.
Thank you, Nic and Laurel! You are too good to be true :D
Ask: Am I using a narrow view by focusing only on SaaS, $3-$5M, hitting a revenue or growth ceiling?
It narrow, but it might work just fine.
I generally don't go super narrow, but I do have a floor. ie. instead of 3-5 million i might target business owners over 3 million.
Remember, small business that does over 3 million a year is generating about 250k a month or more. Generally speaking, a business doing over 600k a year or so.... money is not a real objection.
So if you're trying to go up market because of money objections, it likely will not help since thats not the real objection.
Thank you!
1. My most immediate constraint is time to sit down and finish my Client Journey. Thinking through how all this would work and how to also not cut off my money flow from the agency, AND have time to breathe has also beed a constraint.
2. Resource: The Content Bible Exercise. Laurel helped me clear my head and really think through one of the biggest client WINS that I can start with, which was super helpful! Now to map all of it out and not overthink it so I can just FLASH ROLL...jk. No, so I can create a content flow. I feel like ALL the content I make is sub-par as I have been trying to start with my STEP 1…cause it’s really the problem, and not the STEP that clients think they need first. Hope this makes sense.
3. ACTION: I have filled up my content bible Google Doc and started making content. However, it still feels so disconnected to the overall goal. I find myself in loops of thought but I AM MAKING Loom videos based on the Content Bible exercise that I have partially filled out.
My plan of action and way that I want to market to get out of 1:1 agency clients is to open a Skool community and have the first product be hosted there and build a client base on that platform. I do finally feel like all of this is clicking, if I do not overthink.
1. My most limiting constraint is/(hopefully was) that I had not done all of the work I needed to do in order to get through the pain and hurt from a health scare and its assorted complications from a couple of years ago. While I’ve reviewed a lot of material, I couldn’t really let myself engage in a meaningful way because I was still feeling so much of the fear and pain and guilt.
While I recognize that this is not my therapist’s couch or zoom link, for purposes of illustrating the second part of the homework I will share these action steps. Starting on Tuesday, I decided to start from the very beginning of the $7 program as if I had never looked at it or read it before. As before, when I got started I felt some hesitancy in my brain to commit to doing it. So I asked myself what would be the most meaningful thing to have out of my way so that I could commit to actually doing this. And then I did the work to get rid of the first roadblock. For the rest of that day and through to today, I would assess if I was ready to work on the program and, if not, I worked on whatever it was that was stopping me from committing. While there is not necessarily a lot of data on how my implementation of the program is going, getting over some of these hurdles was incredibly helpful for me and I feel like these will no longer subtly impede my progress.
2. My question comes from my effort to start at the beginning again. I went back to the very beginning and was rewatching all of the videos in Get Ready Protocol. At the end of the “For an Indirect Offer” video in the Choosing your sales mechanism section it suggests that if you want to jump right in that you should get going on Phase 1. But at the beginning of Phase 1 it reminds you to make sure you finish all of the Get Ready Protocol, which I am assuming includes the Organic Foundations videos.
So I started doing the Organic Foundations videos and have been doing one of them a day, but I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to go to Phase 1 instead. I wasn’t sure if there is a huge difference in going with the Organic Foundations videos versus the Phase 1, so my question is a confirmation question. Do I need to complete the Organic Foundations videos first?
3. I had a call with a friend of mine who is trying to build up his coaching practice again but is struggling to get his message out on video. We had a chance to talk about making sure that his videos are speaking to their desired targeted audience. As part of that we talked about framing up his video with the answers to the questions, “Why am I here?”, “Am I in the right place?” and “What exactly should I do next?” We did a few role play examples to make sure he understood the idea. Then we scripted out a few video ideas so that he can talk to his ideal client and make a deeper connection with them than he has been doing.
Most immediate constraint:
I’m not doing what I say I’m going to do
which results in not getting data
then I make decisions based on why I “think” the result I have is happening and how I feel, instead of from data.
Example Practice Question:
Resource: planner
Action you’ve already taken: Make weekly plan of do goals and daily tasks, based on annual/quarterly/monthly goals
Data or discovery: There is improvement from 25% creating weekly plan, to 80% but I’m only making 50% progress on weekly do goals.
Ask: what will move the needle more, getting more detailed i.e. instead of time block saying ‘webinar’ time block says ‘webinar-invitation emails written and scheduled’ or learning dr jeff’s champion day?
I wouldn’t ask this after all, because I know the answer.
One way I incorporate R3 into my business is by using stealth influence to change my people’s beliefs:
They believe they can’t get paid to cook without going to culinary school to be a chef.
They believe this because culinary schools spend a lot of money to get students who then become restaurant chefs so of course we think it’s right and the only way.
I put a crack in this by telling black swan stories: I wanted to go to culinary school but couldn’t and eventually started my own personal chef business and now I have clients call me chef and pay me to cook. Gordon Ramsay didn’t go to culinary school. Students of mine who have successful personal chef business and get paid to cook without culinary school or restaurant experience.
Analytical: Show income/wages and work schedules of restaurant chefs compared to personal chefs so they can see the disparity.
Actionable: show them how to do a personal chef services and keep track of people raving about their food to build their confidence.
Anthropological: teach how procrastination is really a cover for fear and of course we’re afraid to do something new and uncomfortable.
Ask: what will move the needle more, getting more detailed i.e. instead of time block saying ‘webinar’ time block says ‘webinar-invitation emails written and scheduled’ or learning dr jeff’s champion day?
Answer: Even though you said you wouldn't ask =)
More detailed = higher probability of accurately estimating the time and effort it will take AND high probability of not doing it.
Most people have too many arbitrary daily and weekly goals.
The most effective people Ive ever met have 1 or 2 things that need to go right at any given time. And thats it.