This is page dedicated to support those that made it to the three day live workshop with Nic and Laurel. Even though we started it at 6am pacific on a Sunday (WTF) we had a full house.
If you missed it, the rest of this post will not make much sense to you.
If you attended and want your bonuses (plus some practice) submit your homework in the comment section below. We’ll get you the goods as soon as we see it (note: it might be a couple days, just sit tight).
Looking forward to seeing your homework and meeting you at the next event!
My most immediate constraint is a lack of appointments.
Resource: The ecosystem/ROAS handbook.
Action: I implemented my Hot 7 about 3 weeks ago. I also spent time doing the content bible exercise and thinking more about my ideal client. I realized that much of the content I was creating was attracting people who aren't sure they want to move to Lake Norman. I shifted my focus and wrote and recorded 2 new conversion multipliers and 3 new power content videos, plus a power pitch that is targeted at my ideal luxury client and I believe follows R3.
Data: While implementing the ecosystem, I am focused on lead follow up daily to set 2 appointments Monday - Friday. So far this week it has been 2/2/1/0.
Ask: I have not had anyone book a call from my retargeting ads so far. I also noticed that FB isn't using my full $2 budget per ad each day. I am thinking my adding in fresh power content that might help? I know we don't look at KPI's, on Hot 7 per se, but at what point does it make sense to reevaluate the number of bookings? Is it too early and I should be patient and give it more time?