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Man Bites Dog
#8 AMA Audio: Implementing a "Waitlist"

#8 AMA Audio: Implementing a "Waitlist"

Being on a waitlist is one of the most powerful things ANY business can do. Most have an aversion to it or think you have to already have a huge following to take advantage of the psychological and logistical benefits.

Classic chicken and the egg thing.

Here’s a question about the topic and Nic’s response.


from Andrea Caprio on Consistent Record Breaking Months - The Three Changes Laurel Made

Small improvements over time lead to the flywheel go faster. Thank you for generously sharing this over the shoulder with us. Laurel is a star at implementing. I like the waitlist idea and though it makes sense for a large following such as Laurel's, I am curious to learn how we can make this work when we are at a less advanced/clients/leads stage than she is.

Listen to the answer above or watch the video response here:


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