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Cash Now Strategies - “From the Tail”

Man Bites Dog I

Cash Now - “From the Tail”

There are three primary Cash Now Strategies I deploy to 1) create more cash now and 2) systematically and methodically improve return on ads and/or organic efforts.

  1. The Oasis of Stability in a Sea on Uncertainty

  2. The 9 word email

  3. The “Voss”

This video/audio breaks down the concept of “From the Tail” and the first of the three; The Oasis.

Please be sure to watch the video above when you get a chance so you can see how and why it’s deployed the way it is.

The Oasis

Use this when the acquisition process is has been validated & the prospects problem has shifted from the initial problem to frustration with the process of getting help solving it.

The frame:

“Hey, I get it. I’m here to help whether you do business with us or not”

Start at the end of the existing process and move it forward strategically and methodically.

Here’s What You Can Do Now

Make a short “Oasis” video, audio or text and send it to everyone that’s already been through your validated process.

If you get any lift in sales, add it to the end of the automations.

If you want to optimize the entire funnel or flow move it “up” to replace the communication preceding it. If it performs worse, move it back to the end of the sequence. If it performs better, move it up again. Rinse and repeat.

Case Study:

(Watch or listen to the video or audio above for complete context)

The Oasis


Adspend: $15,297

New clients: 44

Collected: $47,286

Average collected per client: $1,074

ROAS: 3.09


+ $7,518

Adspend: $15,297

New clients: 51

Collected: $54,774

Average collected per client: $1,074

ROAS: 3.58

This is an intermediate R3 Strategy.

You can learn about R3 here.

And if you found if useful, please share it someone else that might also get value from it.

If you give it a try, let me know how it works for you in the comments below.

Keep a eye out for the next two cash now “from the tail” strategies.

See the Cash Now & Ace Cards directory here.


Live to learn. Give to earn.


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Man Bites Dog
Man Bites Dog
Learn how to build a business that gets you closer to what you want.