Man Bites Dog
Man Bites Dog
#9 The Laurel Corner Live 6/10/24

#9 The Laurel Corner Live 6/10/24

Stepping Into The Arena

The Laurel Corner Live 6/10/24.

The second Monday of every month is the Laurel Corner Live, an Arena session focused on marketing and advertising with Laurel Portie. Each session, members go to breakout rooms to work together and prepare for their time in “The Arena”.

During that time, we answer questions from MBD subscribers and discuss what’s going on in Laurel’s world. Below is a 10 minutes discussion during breakout time on wait lists, consumer psychology and product.

The full session is available in audio format for MBD paid subscribers.

Full session available for Man Bites Dog paid subscribers.

What’s inside the full sessions:

  • What’s more powerful than skin in the game?

  • When writing more is a better use of time than making more video.

  • The reason people don’t get results with ads.

  • Getting stuff done, a productivity tip from one of the best in the world

  • And. so. much. more.


Remember, each resources is provided to remove an immediate constraint. The resource list is compiled live, during the session. It’s made up up of only resources that will help remove an immediate restraint for an Arena member. Arena members can find the resources listed in the Arena members area.

Ready to Engage the field?

This post is for paid subscribers

Man Bites Dog
Man Bites Dog
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