One of the most effective, simple, and easy to use tactics for engaging your long-interested prospects and tipping them over into customers is "The 9 Word Email" - one of many tactics we include in R3.
This is actually not something we came up with, it comes straight from Dean Jackson of I Love Marketing - you can read his take on it here1, the idea is quite simple.
Since it's part of Ace Cards and Cash Now Campaigns, I'm going to share a little bit of my perspective and experience using "The 9 Word Email"
What is “The 9 Word Email”?
In essence it's sending an email that says --- "are you still interested in / looking for {thing}?"
(And you usually do this for people who've been on your list for 3 or more months but haven't taken an action ... though that's subjective. Personally I think as long as someone has taken significant steps towards a buying action and hasn't done so, it's reasonable to ask these kinds of questions.)
{Thing} is usually the outcome they are looking for. Are you still looking for a house in Seattle? Are you still interested in having a six pack? Are you still trying to make $10k/mo as a copywriter? Are you still looking for comfortable minimalist shoes?
Point is,
People on your list came onto it because they were driven to solve a problem or serve a desire. You know what that reason was. A large segment of them came on to solve that problem, or serve that desire, and have not done so with you.
Ask them if they are still interested in or if they are still looking for that thing.
That's it.
In a moment I'll tell you why sales are just the icing on the cake, to me, in this process.
I just ran this for a client, so here's an example:
We had a segment of people who'd gone through a number of steps towards the buying process but did not buy - this involved an application which had been completed, but they ended up not buying for whatever reason.
They brought me in to figure out how to better leverage their email, and I saw the easy opportunity with a 9-word email for this segment. I wanted to see what low hanging fruit was available right now, and what we might learn from engaging in those conversations.
Sent the 9 word email:
Subject: {Name},
Body: are you still interested in X?
We ended up getting an extra $5k over the weekend, along with a dozen good conversations.
It's really quite simple.
The only prerequisite is you must a list of people who have come to you to solve a problem, find a solution, serve a desire, and they have not yet done so. The list does not have to be large. If you've got 20 people you can do this. If you have ONE PERSON, you can reach out to them and ask this.
Why is “The 9 Word Email” effective?
It's short, personal, and expecting a response.
Expecting a response is an compelling dynamic I'm always thinking about because it leans into social norms, breaking down barriers to conversation quite effectively, and building the sense of relationship I find most valuable with prospects and customers.
It also naturally creates curiosity.
Why are they asking me if I'm still interested? Do they have something for me? Is there a new opportunity to solve this problem?
But it does so without coming off like you're immediately trying to sell them something ...
And if you follow The Strategy of Preeminence2 (Jay Abraham), you shouldn't be. Go into this with the perspective that you're going to help them solve the problem, not that you're going to sell them you're thing (though, them buying from you might be the best answer to solve their problem).
Which brings me to the real reason I like this tactic:
It's the conversations.
When you have someone on your list for 90+ days (and sometimes years), and they just aren't taking action, but they are still there reading your emails, that is telling.
Either they solved their problem somewhere else, and they are still interested in you for another reason, or they haven't solved their problem and are still looking for the reason/excuse to do so (or are looking for an opportunity they can't say no to).
But regardless, the people who are tuned in, who have momentum and are interested in doing SOMETHING, are likely to respond.
Those conversations can be far more valuable than any incidental sales you might get from sending the email.
They can clarify your language. They can tell you where your audiences momentum and interest is headed. They can highlight concepts they resonate with. They can reveal new problems you weren't aware of.
And that has downline positive impacts on the rest of your marketing and sale.
I'll leave you with one more tidbit about this before sending you on your way ...
When you ask the question "are you still looking for / interested in ..."
Keep buying intent out of the question as much as you can.
For example:
Instead of "are you still looking to buy a house in Boston?"
"are you still looking for a house in Boston?"
Just feel the difference between those two.
The obvious thing to point out is when you ask someone if they are looking to buy a house it immediately puts them on guard. "Oh you want to sell me a house now." Even though logical assessment of the second will come to the same conclusion, it doesn't have the same reaction.
Thats one of the reasons I try to focus on the ultimate outcome. No one is really looking to "buy a house" ... buying a house is just a necessary step in getting one.
You can also think, how would I talk to a friend about this?
"Hey you still thinking about joining that gym?"
"You still considering the carnivore diet?"
Step back from the sales person and the marketer, think of who you're speaking to as a friend, understand the problem they are really trying to solve, the desire they are really trying to fulfill, and then speak to that in one short question.
Then, be receptive to what happens next.
The 9 Word Email is just one little tactic we use in R3, and which is a part of R3's Ace Cards and Cash Now Campaigns.
Nic and Laurel recently ran a 2 day workshop going over Cash Now Campaigns and guiding people through implementation.
We've made the Cash Now Blitz Workshop Bundle3 available here on Man Bites Dog for paid subscribers. In it you'll find many more Cash Now tactics and strategies, like the 9 word email, which you can implement immediately in your business for Cash Flow today.
In the Bundle you can also learn about "The Voss Variation" - a different take on the 9 Word Email tactic from our good friend Chris Voss.
Get all the details here:
Be Useful. Be Present. Love the Journey.
Joseph Robertson, CMO Man Bites Dog
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9 word emails are magical!