NOTE: This is a Video Course produced by Joseph Robertson. This is available only to paid subscribers of Man Bites Dog.
This Course was originally designed to help Email Copywriters integrate AI into their workflows to speed up their client work by 70% or more.
The philosophies, principles, and tactical demonstrations can be applied to many different strategies. I created this course with a principled approach. There is minimal prompt engineering involve.
So take what you discover here and start applying it to your workflow if you are a copywriter or marketer. The more you apply, the more you’ll discover the best way it will work for you.
Assets/Autoresponders/Broadcast: Master the art of creating lead magnets, email sequences, broadcast emails, and more, all enhanced with AI.
Personality/Ghostwriting: Learn how to create your "Creative Doppelganger" using AI, and enhance your free-writing and creative assistance with AI tools. Learn how to build an AI assistant for each client.